Buyer Persona

What is Buyer Persona?

A buyer’s persona is not merely a description of your customers. It is an exercise intended to create a model customer as if they were a real person. It helps get to the core details of what attracts your target audience. 

Using customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivation and goals makes it easier to create a buyer persona that will ultimately help you grow your business. Doing this exercise allows you to craft marketing messages more specifically. Having a buyer persona helps propel your brand’s overall voice, leading to better marketing and business success. 

How Does this Help your Business? 

Customer Perspective

It can become easy for marketers to overuse buzzwords and have a more sales approach to your business. Using these words can create a more impersonal approach when attempting to relate with your customers. Having a buyer persona can help avoid that and force you to think about real humans engaging with your content and branding every day. 


Better Content

Once you have defined your buyer persona, it can create a more natural and effective way of creating content. By defining who you are and how you speak, it becomes easier to use words geared toward your target audience to help attract the right people. Targeting your customer with better content will only help your conversion rates and improve your overall engagement. 


Creating a Buyer Persona

A buyer persona incorporates a combination of external and internal research. It’s essential to choose your target audience and build a persona on the information you already know. Then combining the research done helps to enhance the persona. Once your bases are covered, it is best to create a list of questions to answer. These questions should be as if you are trying to get to know a real person and have a wide range and intriguing thoughtful answers. Once you feel you are in a good spot with your understanding, you now have your buyer persona. The best part about this is that they can evolve as time goes on and you can integrate new insights along the way. 


At PushCrankPress, we make sure our customers are set up for success. We include an onboarding survey with all the right questions that help us better understand your business and create a buyer persona tailored to you. Get started with us today by calling 334.446.6149.

Posted: Aug 19, 2020
