How to Create a Successful TikTok Marketing Strategy

The power of TikTok cannot be underestimated. This app has had a profound impact on sound and culture in today’s world and businesses everywhere are looking at how to get in on the action through TikTok marketing. Superficially, the platform appears to be a destination for comical lip-sync and dancing videos rather than a medium for promoting products and services. However, there’s great potential for businesses to leverage TikTok and reach their target audience in a unique way.

What is Tiktok, and Why Should You Care?

Unlike Instagram and YouTube, TikTok presents itself as a platform for brief mobile videos. They can range in length from 5 to 60 seconds long and users can effortlessly apply filters and effects to their posts.
On the back end, TikTok has an advanced algorithm that recommends videos to users based on their previous viewings. The algorithm is simple for users to discover new material making it easier for creators and brands to reach newer, bigger audiences.

How Different is TikTok Marketing?

Unlike other social media platforms, you don’t have to pay for tools to edit content or track your performance because the TikTok allows you to handle all of these activities on the platform itself. Businesses can quickly capitalize on user trends on TikTok to help raise brand awareness and interest, generate app downloads and boost online and offline conversations. As the social media platforms become more intertwined, it is common to see viral TikTok material republished on other platforms. However, cross-posted content receives millions of hits, likes, and shares on other sites.

How can Marketers use TikTok?

TikTok offers an excellent avenue for businesses to reach out to consumers around the world in a creative way. Many social media fads now originate on TikTok, and being at the front line of these trends can help brands gain credibility on the platform. When it comes to outreach and user engagement, TikTok offers marketers an even playing field. Unlike other social media platforms, TikTok’s algorithm allows profiles with zero followers to gather millions of hits with a new video.

The prominence of video in social media has made for a valuable tool for connecting with prospective clients and customers. Allow yourself to be innovative, have fun and go with the stream. If you are interested in expanding your digital strategy, give us a call today at 334-446-6149.

Posted: May 03, 2022